An auto-responder allows you to set up automated replies to incoming email. This feature can be useful for confirming the receipt of mail.
To set up an auto-reposnder:
.1Go to → →menu →
.2In the From field enter the email address that will be used as a sender email in the auto-responder message
.3In the From field enter the email address that will be used as a sender email in the auto-responder message.
.4Enter the email .
.5Enter the .
.6In the field attach a file for your message. Specify a directory which is relative to the user directory. E.g. if the user directory is "/var/www/user/data", and the path to the file is "/file", the file "/var/www/user/data/file/" will be attached.
.7Enable the option .
.8Click .
The auto-responder is processed once in 24 hours for every sender. This helps to prevent multiple messages when one auto-responder sends a reply to the other. The time of the last reply is defined by the log