Managing support tickets on Telegram

To work with our Telegram bot, you must indicate your Telegram login (without @) in the User settings. Read more in Notifications.
The settings display the bots, which are enabled to receive notifications and interface with technical support.

Managing tickets

Commands are used to work with the bot (the argument is passed through _, /command_value, for example,/ticket_159):
  • /start - display list of tickets with the ability to select a ticket;
  • /ticket_{ticket number} — information about the ticket, including the last message with attached files. A selection of actions is available:
    .aAdd a reply. The maximum message length is 255 characters and no more than 5 files must be attached;
    .bArchive. The button appears for tickets in the "Waiting for reply from client" status.
  • /createticket — create a new ticket. When creating a new ticket:
    .aPlease choose the department to which the ticket will be sent.
    .bChoose the service for which the problem arose.
    .cWrites the subject of the ticket.
    .dWrites a message about its problem. You can attach up to 5 files.
Important Note
Please, don't press or submit the ticket more than once as the ticket will be duplicated in the ticketing system.