Ruby Gems

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We deprecated this interface in cPanel & WHM version 66.
RubyGems is a package manager for the Ruby programming language. It provides a self-contained format in which developers can distribute Ruby programs and libraries.
For more information on RubyGems, read the  RubyGems  documentation.

Ruby Gem Installer

To create a Ruby application, perform the following steps:
    Ask your hosting provider to install Ruby on your system via the following  EasyApache 4  packages:
  • The ea-apache24-mod_env module.
  • The ea-ruby24-ruby-devel module.
    Create a Ruby application on your server. For an example of how to do this, read our  How to Create Ruby Web Applications  documentation.
    Use cPanel’s  Application Manager  interface (cPanel » Home » Software » Application Manager) to register the application.

Installed Ruby Gems

The Installed Ruby Gem(s) table lists all of the Ruby Gems that exist on your server.
For each installed Ruby Gem, the table displays the following information:
  • Module Name — The Ruby Gem’s name.
  • Version — The Ruby Gem’s version number.
  • Actions — You can perform the following actions for each Ruby Gem:
  • Update — Update the Ruby Gem.
  • Reinstall — Reinstall the Ruby Gem.
  • Uninstall — Remove the Ruby Gem from your server.
  • Show Docs — Read the Ruby Gem’s documentation.