You have the following options:
- Sending an encrypted email. Only you and the recipients can read the email content.
- Sending an email with a signature. The signature ensures that the recipient is able to recognize whether the email content has been changed on the transport.
- Sending an encrypted email with a signature.
Click the icon in the button bar.If you are not signed in to Guard, the window for entering the Guard security password opens. Enter the password.A function bar will be displayed above the email text. A text will be displayed within the function bar notifying you about the encryption of the email.Icons next to the recipients indicate whether the message can be encrypted for this recipient. If hovering over an icon, a description will be displayed.
In order to show further options, click on in the function bar.
- In order to additionally sign the email, enable .
- To enable The email recipient to send an encrypted reply, the recipient needs to have your public key. You can send your public key as attachment. To do so, enable .
- When using PGP, the following option applies:You can set the PGP format if the option has been enabled in the Guard settings under .By default, encrypted emails are sent in format. Some older email clients only support PGP/Inline. If the recipient uses such a client, enable .Note: If you use , you can not send emails in html format.
You can also use the menu in the button bar to sign the email or to send your public key as attachment.
Click on .When sending to new recipients, a window is displayed that allows to send notes for opening the encrypted email to the recipients.
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