Administrating managed resources as booking delegate

If you are a booking delegate, you will get the following notifications if a user creates an appointment with a managed resource:
  • You will be informed about the booking request in the notification area.
  • You will receive an email with a booking request.
You can respond to the booking request with AcceptMaybe or Decline. Each booking request will be added to the resource calendar like an appointment. There, you can edit the booking request later.
How to reply to a booking request:
    Use one of the following methods:
  • Display an email with a booking request in the Email application.
  • In the menu bar, click the Notifications icon. The info area opens. Booking requests for managed resources will be displayed below Resource booking requests.To view the booking request in the resource calendar, click on the date below the title.
    Use one of the following methods:
  • To reply to the booking request without a comment, click on one of the buttons AcceptMaybeDecline.
  • To reply to the booking request with a comment, click the Add comment icon.Select one of the options AcceptMaybeDecline in the Change confirmation window. If required, enter a comment.
Result: If you accept the booking request, the resource will be shown as booked in the resource calendar. Users will be informed of the result of their booking request.
How to edit a managed resource:
    Select a resource calendar in the folder view.Click on an appointment in a calendar view. A pop-up opens.
    If a booking request has not yet been answered, a notification will be displayed at the top of the pop-up. Select the respective resource below Resources.Select one of the options AcceptMaybeDecline. If required, enter a comment.
    To change the booking confirmation of a resource, click on Change confirmation next to a resource below Resources.
Result: If you accept the booking request, the resource will be shown as booked in the resource calendar. Users will be informed of the result of their booking request.
Subordinated actions:
  •  Automatically Adding Contacts or Resources from an Address Book 
Related topics:
  •  Creating managed resources  Using Resource Calendars