
The web-server uses redirects to send all of the visitors of a particular page to a different one. To add a redirect, perform the following steps:
    .1Go to Domains → WWW-domains → menu Redirects → Add.
    .2Select a Code:
  • 301 Moved Permanently — the requested page has been permanently moved to a new URL
  • 302 Found — the requested page has been temporarily moved to a different URL.
  • 303 See Other — the requested page can be found at another URL by using the GET HTTP method.
    .3Enter the Path of the page from which you want to redirect visitors. The path must begin with "/". E.g.: "/page/old.html".
    .4Enter the URL to which you want to redirect users. The internal URL (located on the same WWW-domain) must begin with "/". E.g.: "/page/new.html". The external URL must begin with "http://" or "https://". E.g., " http://page/redirected.htm ".