Task lists that are public or shared by other users can be used as follows:
- You can define which public and shared task lists are to be displayed in the folder view by subscribing to such task lists.This helps you to keep a better overview if there are many public and shared task lists in your groupware environment.
- If you subscribed to such a task list, you can set whether this task list is to be synchronized with other clients, e.g. with your smartphone.
- If you no longer need such a task list, you can cancel the subscription.
How to define the task lists to be subscribed to and synchronized:
Click the icon next to . Click on .You can also click the icon in the menu bar. Click on A window opens. It shows your private, the public and shared task lists.
If you want a task list to be displayed, enable the button.If you want a displayed task list to be synchronized, enable the checkbox.
If you no longer want a task list to be displayed and synchronized, disable the button
User interface:
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