Standard Configurations

A business card site

A business card site is a web page or set of web pages designed to provide information about a business, services, or personal information. This type of site consists of static content and does not require dynamic page generation.
Items required:
  • a domain name directed to the server;
  • ispmanager control panel.
Steps to create a business card site
1. Install any Apache, Nginx, or OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) web server.
2.  Create a website  using the control panel.
3. Upload the necessary files to the site directory.
4. Open the website and make sure it's working.

Dynamic site on a popular CMS

Use your domain pointing to the ispmanager server to create a dynamic website based on one of the popular content management systems (CMS).
Items required:
  • a web server (or combination) that supports the selected CMS;
  • PHP handler of the appropriate version and type to work with the selected CMS (various combinations are possible);
  • MySQL database server of the required version.
Pay attention
This may result in different configurations depending on the combination of web server and PHP handler you choose.
Steps to create a dynamic site
1. Install any Apache, Nginx, or OpenLiteSpeed (OLS) web server.
2.  Create a website  using the control panel.
3. Install the CMS and PHP handler.
4. Configure  MySQL  database.
5. Open the website and make sure it's working.

Personal email domain

A personal email domain is a domain that points to the server you are using.
Items required
  • domain name directed to the server;
  • ispmanager control panel.
Steps to create a personal email domain
1.  Create a new email domain  in the control panel.
2. Set up the required number of mailboxes.
3. Configure signatures and certificates.
Pay attention
Make sure all available signatures are configured correctly if you want mail sent from your domain to be accepted by popular mail servers.

Personal mail server with multiple domains and auto-signatures

Includes the ability to create a mail server with multiple mail domains, a mail client, and automatic signature publishing.
Items required
  • mail server;
  • web server with a PHP handler;
  • MySQL database server;
  • DNS server. To configure DNS records, specify the server with ispmanager as a DNS server for mail domains.
Steps to create a personal mail server
3. Configure signatures and certificates for mail domains.
4. Install a webmail client.
5. Use the installed mail client to check the operation of mailboxes.
Automatic publishing
1. Adding A-records. After creating a mail domain, A-records are automatically added to the panel.
2. Creating TXT records. If you enable a signature for a mail domain, the required TXT records will be created automatically in the personal domain zone in the panel.

WireGuard server

The WireGuard server is an additional option in the panel software configuration not included in the standard feature set. It can be used for personal needs and organizing employee access to internal company resources.
Items required
  • ispmanager control panel;
  • access to the software configuration settings.
Steps to create a WireGuard server
1. Configure WireGuard on the control panel side.
2. Upload the configuration file for the client part.
3. Configure one or more WireGuard clients using a configuration file. If multiple connections are planned, each client must be configured separately.

Hosting and shared-hosting site

Creation of a full-fledged hosting service using a regular ispmanager panel where the site is managed. Each client receives a personal account with its login, the ability to place DNS records in subdomains, access mail and the ability to host files, sites and mail domains.
Items required
  • ispmanager control panel;
  • access to the software configuration settings;
  • implementation of necessary options through the site engine and the panel API
Step to create a hosting and shared-hosting site
1. Install the recommended software via the control panel.
2. Provide additional features such as Docker for managing alternative versions of database servers or specific applications, an FTP server for easily uploading files to the server, and resource limiting via disk quotas or CloudLinux.
  • Docker — install containers for alternative database server versions or applications;
  • FTP server — install for easy uploading of files to server using FTP;
  • CloudLinux or Disk quotas — to limit the resources used by shared hosting clients;
  • Node.js and Python — for web developers;
  • WireGuard — to provide services to customers and for internal use within a company.