If the Manage Team feature does not appear, ask your hosting provider to enable it in WHM’s Feature Manager interface (WHM » Home » Packages » Feature Manager).
The Manage Team interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Manage Team) allows the team owner to create and manage team users as part of the Manage Team feature.
Team users
The team owner is the cPanel account that owns the team. A team user is a virtual account that operates under the team owner’s account. A team owner can create the following types of team user accounts:
Perform the role’s associated administrative functions.
A team owner can only assign roles to seven team users.
The Manage Team interface displays the number of current team users with roles and the maximum number of team users with roles you can create in the account quota status box:
The default maximum number of team users with roles is seven. Only a root user can adjust this value to a lower number. For more information, read our documentation on WHM’s Edit a Package interface (WHM » Home » Packages » Edit a Package).
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The Roles column displays the roles assigned to the team user. Assigning a team user a role allows the team user to manage various aspects of the cPanel account. You can assign a team member multiple roles. You may only assign roles to a maximum of seven team users.
The following chart lists the features available for each team user role in cPanel. These options may vary depending on what features the hosting provider has enabled.
The administrator role includes all privileges of the other team user roles.
This role enables a team user to access tools and modify files related to email administration for the team owner’s cPanel account, such as email routing and mailing lists.
This service gives the team user access to website files for the cPanel account. This service is only available if your hosting provider has enabled it.
This service allows the team user to manage and manipulate files on your server in multiple types of interfaces (for example, your computer, mobile device, or certain types of software).
For more information, read our Create a Team User interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Manage Team » Create a Team User) documentation.
Create a team user
To create a team user, click Create Team User. A new interface will appear. In the Create a Team User interface (cPanel » Home » Preferences » Manage Team » Create a Team User) you can create a new team user, and assign the new user services and roles.
For more information, read our Create a Team User interface documentation.
List team table
This table lists all of team users associated with your Manage Team account. Click a column’s heading to sort the results of the table by that heading. The table will sort the list in ascending or descending order.
The table contains the following information:
The team user’s login username. If the team user is suspended, the Suspended (
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) warning will appear next to the team user’s username. Click the More (
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) icon to view more information about a team user account. This will display the team user’s information.
If the team user is suspended, the interface will display the date of the suspension and the reason for the suspension. If the team user is set to expire on a specific date, the interface will display the date of the expiration and the reason for the expiration. If the team owner does not provide a reason for suspension or expiration, these fields will be blank.
Account Information
The team user’s login username, relevant notes about the team user, the last login date, and the creation date of the account. The interface will display the time and date according to the team owner’s locale.
Team Information
The roles assigned to the team user.
Security Information
The contact email address for the team user.
Each team user has the following actions available:
Edit User
To edit an existing team user, click Edit User in the Actions section. A new interface will appear. A team owner can edit details such as password settings and roles for a team user.
To block a user from accessing the account, the team owner can suspend the team user.
Suspension will prevent that user from accessing anything from within the cPanel interface.
You cannot change the password for a suspended team user.
Suspended users will count towards the maximum allowed accounts for Manage Team if they have a role assigned.
To suspend a team user, click Suspend in the Actions section.
To remove a team user from suspension, click Unsuspend in the Actions section.
Deleting a team user will remove that user from the team. Deleted users will not count against the maximum number of accounts for Manage Team.
You cannot undo this action.
To delete a team user, perform the following steps:
Locate the team user in the list and click Delete. A confirmation window will appear.
To confirm, click Delete.
View audit log
To view the Audit Log, your system administrator must select the Enable cPanel API Log setting in the Tweak Settings interface (WHM » Home » Server Configuration » Tweak Settings » Logging).
The Audit Log feature allows team owners to track team user actions that use cPanel’s API. The audit log table contains the following information:
The date and time when the user made the API call.
Called By
The cPanel account or team user’s username.
API Version
The version of the API used.
The API call made by the user.
The API call’s origin in either the terminal or the user interface.
For more information about how cPanel’s audit log, read our Audit Log documentation.