PHP FastCGI Process Manager - PHP-FPM

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We strongly recommend that you only activate Apache PHP-FPM if your server has at least 2 GB of RAM available, or at least 30 MB of RAM per domain. If you enable PHP-FPM on a server with less than the required RAM, your server may experience severe performance issues.
PHP FastCGI Process Manager (PHP-FPM) is an alternative FastCGI daemon for PHP that allows a website to handle high loads. PHP-FPM maintains pools (workers that can respond to PHP requests) to accomplish this. PHP-FPM is faster than traditional CGI-based methods, such as SUPHP, for multi-user PHP environments. It does not overload a system’s memory with PHP from Apache processes.
  • LiteSpeed Web Server uses the lsphp binary. LiteSpeed Web Server does not use the system’s PHP-FPM implementation in WHM’s  MultiPHP Manager  interface (WHM » Home » Software » MultiPHP Manager).
  • To monitor applications that use PHP-FPM, select the Monitor checkbox for the PHP-FPM service for cPanel Daemons service in WHM’s  Service Manager  interface (WHM » Home » Service Configuration » Service Manager).

Running PHP-FPM with EasyApache 4

On  supported operating systems , EasyApache 4 uses the PrivateTmp option with PHP-FPM. EasyApache 4 does this to increase security for temporary files that the running processes in PHP-FPM access. The PrivateTmp option creates special directories in the /tmp directory for each Apache PHP-FPM version your system uses. It’s possible that each time you or the system restarts the PHP-FPM service, the PrivateTmp option will create a new directory.
Removing the PrivateTmp-created directories, either manually or automatically, will cause errors in applications or websites that use PHP-FPM. We strongly encourage that you do not remove these directories. If you need to remove any of these directories, we recommend that you restart the Apache PHP-FPM service. This ensures that Apache PHP-FPM will work correctly.
To restart Apache PHP-FPM, use the following command:
/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_apache_php_fpm --hard

Tutorials on how to use PHP-FPM

  •  Configuration Values of PHP-FPM  — This document lists the cPanel PHP-FPM system’s configuration settings and their default values.
  •  PHP-FPM Code and FileSystem Layout for EasyApache4  — This document explains how to implement PHP-FPM, the filesystem layout of PHP-FPM, and how to adjust PHP versions.
  •  The php_fpm_config Script  — This document explains when and how to use the /scripts/php_fpm_config script.
  •  PHP-FPM Domain Pools  – This document explains how to create a domain pool with PHP-FPM.