Displaying a file's content

You have the following options:
  • display text files, documents or images in the Viewer
  • view images as a slideshow
  • play audio and video files, provided they are in a suitable format
The contents will be displayed in the viewer.
How to display a file's content:
    Select a file in the display area.
    Use one of the following methods:
  • Double-click on a file in the display area.
  • Select one or several files in the display area. Click the View icon in the toolbar.
  • Select View from the context menu.
    To display details for the selected file, enable the Show details icon.In order to open the previous or next file, click the Back  or Next icon next to the view.
Depending on the file type, different functions can be available:
  • If the file content can not be displayed, a button for downloading the file will be shown.
  • For text files and documents in the Office format, there are editing functions available: Information on editing documents can be found in the Documents user documentation.
  • For images, a button for running a slideshow is available.
  • For presentations, an icon for presenting the presentation is shown.
  • For audio and video files in suitable formats, there are playing functions available.Note: The playing options depend from the browser used.
  • In order to display the file in a browser tab, click the Pop out standalone viewer icon.You can use thumbnails to navigate through text documents, presentations and PDF documents. To do so, enable the Thumbnails tab in the sidebar. Click on a thumbnail image.
User interface:
  •  The Drive folder view  The Drive display area  The viewer  The file details  The Drive toolbar  The Drive navigation bar 
Related topics:
  •  Viewing Drive folder contents  Holding a presentation  Downloading Files or Folder Contents  Searching for Files or Folders 
Parent topic:  Viewing Files