The Site Quality Monitoring feature allows you to monitor websites for common issues, such as low Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking and performance problems. The Site Quality Monitoring feature contains the following tabs:
The Extras tab contains the Integrations tab, as well as the configuration tab for some monitoring extension you configure through the Integrations tab.
This tab only appears if your hosting provider enables Site Quality Monitoring subscriptions. For more information about subscriptions, read our How to Manage a Site Quality Monitoring Subscription documentation.
The Website Summary tab contains the Rating, Current findings, and Past findings tabs for your monitored website.
To see the Site Quality Monitoring feature, you must meet the following requirements:
cPanel & WHM version
This feature is only available in cPanel & WHM version 110 or version 116 and later. For more information, read our Site Quality Monitoring Release Notes documentation.
Sign-up process
To use this feature, you must first complete the sign-up process and choose an initial subscription type. To do so, follow all instructions in the interface.
Hosting provider enablement
This feature only appears if your hosting provider enables it. If you do not see this feature in the cPanel interface (cPanel » Home) when you should, contact your hosting provider.
Color indicators
The Site Quality Monitoring feature includes color indicators. These color indicators reflect the presence of monitoring check errors and failures in the following ways:
Your monitored website has passed all monitoring checks in this category.
Your monitored website has non-critical errors or failures in this monitoring check category.
Your monitored website has critical errors in this monitoring check category.
Error types
The Site Quality Monitoring feature divides common website errors into types based on their severity. The feature uses the following error types:
Error type
Errors in this category prevent users from accessing or interacting with a monitored URL or website.
Errors in this category degrade user experience, but do not prevent users from accessing or interacting with a monitored URL or website.
The Site Quality Monitoring feature assigns scores from 0 to 100 to judge your website’s response to monitoring checks. A higher score indicates that your root domain or URL performs well in that category of monitoring checks. For example, a monitored website with an Availability score of 100 in the left navigation menu is highly available. The monitored website’s users will be able to send requests to the website and receive an appropriate response quickly and efficiently.
All monitored websites
The All monitored websites section allows you to access an overview of all your monitored websites, see your unassigned subscriptions, and add new monitored websites.
The monitored website overview list
If any of your monitored websites have critical error alerts, we will display them with the Monitored websites with active critical error alerts: label. Otherwise, we will display them with the Monitored websites without active critical error alerts: label.
Your monitored website will be displayed with its title, monitoring section health bars, and its subscription type. These health bars are color indicators.
You can hover over a monitoring check category’s health bar to view a score and a color indicator for specific checks within that monitoring check category.
To access your monitored website’s monitoring information, click its title. You can also click a monitoring check category or specific check to open their sections.
Opening the Site Quality Monitoring feature opens this section. To return to this section once you have exited it, click Monitored websites in the top navigation bar to open the list of your current monitored websites. Then select All monitored website + Monitor new website to re-open this section.
Once you select a specific monitored website from this section, the left navigation bar will appear.
The left navigation bar includes a monitored website’s Website Summary, Monitoring, Crawling, and Settings tabs.
Unassigned subscriptions
We display your number of unassigned subscriptions in the You have number unassigned subscription(s) label above the Monitor new website button, where number represents your unassigned subscriptions.
When you upgrade a monitoring subscription or downgrade a website’s subscription without cancelling it, Site Quality Monitoring unassigns the subscription, but keeps it active so that you can assign it to another monitored website. For example, when you upgrade your monitored website on a Lite subscription, we will unassign your Lite subscription, but keep the subscription available to you. Therefore, when you upgrade a monitored website with a Lite subscription to use another subscription type, this label will display You have 1 unassigned subscription.
To add a new monitored website to Site Quality Monitoring, click Monitor new website. The Ready to monitor a new website? menu will appear.
Ready to monitor a new website?
To add a new monitored website to Site Quality Monitoring, you must first select its subscription type. If you have an unassigned subscription, you may click Activate to attach it to your monitored website. Otherwise, click Purchase under your desired subscription. A payment window will appear.
Once you have followed the instructions there to purchase your subscription, we will return you to the All monitored websites section. The Monitor new website menu will open.
Monitor new website
To add a new monitored website to Site Quality Monitoring, enter the following information into the menu:
Monitored website name* — The display title for your monitored website.
Subscription type — Your subscription type.
NoteYou can only select an option if you have more than one unassigned subscription. Otherwise, Site Quality Monitoring will automatically assign your unassigned subscription.
Location* — Select the location nearest to your monitored website’s server.
Domain — Enter your root domain here. Your root domain is a combination of your domain name and the top-level domain.
Email alerts — Select one of the following options:
Standard alerting — Site Quality Monitoring will email the address you signed up with immediately upon detection of a critical error. It will also email you daily about non-critical errors or critical errors that you have not yet fixed.
None - Site Quality Monitoring will not email the address you signed up with to report error alerts.
NoteFor more information about critical and non-critical errors, read our Error types documentation above.
Click Save to begin monitoring your new monitored website.
The monitoring check countdown bar
The top navigation bar of the Site Quality Monitoring feature contains a monitoring check countdown bar. When the countdown reaches 0 days 0 hr. until next check, the Site Quality Monitoring feature will perform the next round of monitoring checks. These check results appear in the Monitoring tab. For more information about these checks, read our Site Quality Monitoring — Monitoring documentation.
When the monitoring check round completes, the countdown resets.
This bar is not a color indicator.
If the top navigation bar shows that Data is being collected, then the Site Quality Monitoring feature is currently performing a round of monitoring checks. It will reset the countdown when the monitoring check round is complete.
You must run the monitoring checks in the Crawling tab manually. For more information about how to use the Crawling tab, read our Site Quality Monitoring — Crawling documentation.
Upgrade Project
Once you have selected a monitored website from the All monitored websites section, an Upgrade Project button will appear in the top navigation bar of the Site Quality Monitoring feature if you can upgrade that project’s subscription.
To upgrade a monitored website’s subscription, click the monitored website subscription label. The Ready to upgrade your subscription? menu will appear.
The Ready to upgrade your subscription? menu displays your monitored website’s current subscription type and available subscription types.
To activate an available Lite subscription, click Activate.
To upgrade to your current monitored website’s monitoring to use a paid subscription, select the subscription type you want to upgrade to, then click Upgrade. A payment window will appear. Follow the instructions there and click Subscribe to upgrade, or click WebPros/Back to return to the All monitored websites section.
The User settings section allows you to adjust the Site Quality Monitoring feature’s timezone. It also allows you to delete your Site Quality Monitoring account.
To navigate to the User settings section, click User settings in the top navigation bar. The section will open.
To edit the timezone for the Site Quality Monitoring feature to use, click Timezone. Select your preferred timezone in the Timezone menu.
To manage your current monitored website’s subscription, click Manage subscription. If you do not have an active subscription or your hosting provider has disabled subscriptions, the section will display a No active subscriptions found. message. If you do have active subscriptions, the section will display all your subscriptions with the following options:
Cancel — Click this to open the Cancel subscription menu. Click Cancel subscription within this menu to cancel your Site Quality Monitoring subscription.
WarningThis will remove the associated monitored website from monitoring and delete all its current monitoring data.
Monitor new website — If you have a subscription that does not have an associated monitored website, you may click Monitor new website. You will return to the All monitored websites section and the Monitor new website menu will appear. Enter the website information that you want to monitor and click Save to begin monitoring it with that subscription’s capabilities.