This document explains how to quickly build a website.
Create a website with Sitejet Builder
The Sitejet Builder interface allows you to view and manage your Sitejet domains. The Sitejet Builder interface is fully integrated with the Sitejet Website Builder (Content Management System) website. You can use the Sitejet Website Builder (CMS) to create and design a website for your domain. Then, you can publish it with your cPanel account.
To create a website for your domain, perform the following steps:
.1Navigate to the Sitejet Builder interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Sitejet Builder). The Sitejet Builder interface will appear.
.2Click Build with Sitejet for the domain. The Choose Template interface will appear.
.3Once you have chosen a template and personalized your website in the Sitejet Website Builder (CMS), click Publish (
Add a caption...
.4) . The system will redirect you to the Sitejet Builder interface and will publish your design to the domain’s document root directory.
If your domain’s document root already contains files, the system will prompt you to confirm publication. Publication will delete all files and directories in your domain’s document root directory.
If the publication process will cause your cPanel account to exceed its disk quota, the system will prompt you to free up additional space before you can publish your Sitejet website.
For more information, read our Sitejet Builder interface documentation.
Create a WordPress website
The Onboarding Assistant automatically creates a WordPress® website for the new cPanel account if the user selects the WordPress option.
The WP Toolkit interface allows you to quickly install WordPress and configure it.
To create a website with WordPress®, perform the following steps:
.1Navigate to cPanel’s WP Toolkit interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » WP Toolkit). The WP Toolkit interface will appear.
.2Click Install WordPress. The Install WordPress sidebar will appear.
.3Enter a title for the website.
.4WP Toolkit will suggest a username, password, and email address for the administrator account. Make any changes as needed.
.5Click Install.
This will install a basic WordPress installation on your site. You can add themes, plugins, and other enhancements through the WP Toolkit interface or the Dashboard interface.
To open the WordPress Dashboard, click Log in.
For more information about the WP Toolkit, read our WP Toolkit for cPanel documentation.
To set up a placeholder for your account, perform the following steps:
.1Navigate to cPanel’s Site Publisher interface (cPanel » Home » Domains » Site Publisher).
.2Select the Domain for which you want to create a placeholder page.
Note:The list of domains shown in this interface includes your account’s main domain and subdomains. It does not include parked (or “alias”) domains. For more information on parked domains refer to our glossary of terms.
.3Select a site template.
.4Enter your site information.
.5Click Publish.
For more information, read our Site Publisher documentation.
Upload your own content
If you have created content outside of Site Builder or WordPress, you may also upload content to the server to create a website. cPanel & WHM offer the below methods to upload your content:
cPanel’s Web Disk interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Web Disk)
cPanel’s Git Version Control interface (cPanel » Home » Files » Git Version Control)