When replying to an email, some of the email's input fields are pre-filled:
- The sender of the email and additional recipients of the email will be automatically entered as recipients of the reply email.
- The email subject will be entered in the subject field of the reply email. The subject is preceded with the text "Re: ".
- The email text will be entered in the forwarded email. Each cited line will be marked at the beginning.
How to reply to an email:
.1Select an email.
.2Click the icon in the toolbar. To also reply to all other recipients click the icon You can also use one of the following methods:
- Use the icon or the icon in the detail view.
- Use the context menu in the email list view.
.3To send a new email to the sender and the other recipients, click the icon in the detail view. Click on .
.4Fill in the details for sending the email.
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