Restrict Access to The Control Panel

To restrict access to the control panel, follow these simple steps:
    .1Navigate and sign in to your account through the  DNS management Portal .
    .2Navigate to the Settings section.
    .3Select User Settings.
    .4From the "Access to Control Panel" drop-down menu, select "Only IP addresses from the list".
    .5A new field will appear where you can enter the allowed IP addresses. You can enter:
  • A single IP address (e.g.,
  • A subnet mask (e.g.,
  • A range of addresses (e.g.,
    .6Once you’ve entered the IP addresses, click the "Ok" button to save the settings.
This ensures that only the specified IP addresses will have access to the control panel.
Please note
If you make a mistake while entering the IP addresses and accidentally lock yourself out of the control panel, you may not be able to log in anymore. In such a situation, you will need to open a support ticket from your  Illevante Cloud Client Portal  to get assistance and resolve the issue.