Other Webmail Features


The features in this section perform different actions in Webmail:
  •  Configure Mail Client 
  •  Manage Disk Usage 
  •  Mailing Lists 
  •  Search Index 
  •  Track Delivery 

Configure Mail Client

Use this interface to configure a desktop mail client (for example, macOS®  Mail.app ® for Mojave). Mail clients require specific information. The options below provide this information. Alternatively you can use the information under Mail Client Manual Settings.
Mail Client Automatic Configuration Scripts
This interface has information and tools to help you configure your mail client.
  • To download a tool that automatically configures your mail client, click the desired protocol. Then, follow the displayed directions.
  • To manually configure your mail client, use the information under Mail Client Manual Settings. We strongly recommend that you use the displayed SSL/TLS settings.

You can read your email messages in a mail program (for example, Thunderbird®). You can download your messages with one of two protocols, IMAP and POP3. We recommend that you use the IMAP protocol to download email to a mail program (mail client). POP3 protocol does not update the server when you read mail. Because of this, mail that you viewed in the mail client will appear unread in the Webmail interface.
Mail Client Manual Settings
If you don’t see your mail client in the list, you can configure it using the manual settings. Use the information listed in this section and follow your mail client’s instructions for manual setup.
Email Instructions
You can also send the manual configuration settings as an email. To send the email, enter the recipient address in the Email Instructions text box and click Send.

Manage Disk Usage

Use this interface to free disk space. You can view all of your mailboxes and remove old or large messages.
Use the Search text box to search for specific mailbox names.
The mailbox table
The mailbox table contains a list of mailboxes. You can sort this information by the name, the number of messages, or disk usage.
  • Mailbox Name — The name of the mailbox.
  • # of Messages — The number of messages for the address or in the mailbox folder.
  • Disk Usage — The disk usage for each address or mailbox, in bytes, kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).
  • Actions — The actions available for the mailbox.

Remove messages

Select Custom query … to customize your removal option. For more information, read Dovecot’s  Search Query Format  documentation.
To remove messages, perform the following steps:
    .1Click Manage.
    .2Select a removal option from the menu.
    .3Click Delete Permanently.

Mailing Lists

Mailing lists allow you to use a single address to send mail to multiple email addresses.

cPanel handles mailing lists with the third-party Mailman application. For more information, read the  Mailman  documentation.
For this interface to display, your hosting provider must enable this feature.
Even after your hosting provider enables the feature, the Mailman service will not start until the server hosts at least one mailing list.
View current mailing lists
The Current Lists section of the interface displays the mailing lists on the account. To search for a mailing list, enter a keyword in the Search text box.
The following information describes the Current Lists table:
  • List Name — The mailing list’s full email address.
  • Usage — The amount of disk space that the mailing list uses.
  • Access — The user’s level of access to the mailing list.
  • Private — Private archives exist for this mailing list. The administrator must approve subscriptions, and the Mailman interface does not display the mailing list.
  • Public — Public archives exist for this mailing list. The subscriptions are open and the Mailman interface displays the list.
  • Admin — A delimited-by-rows list of email addresses of the mailing list administrators.
  • Functions — Administrative functions for the mailing list (see below).

Manage a mailing list

To manage a mailing list, perform the following steps:
    .1In the Current Lists section of the interface, scroll to the name of the mailing list.
  • You can also enter a keyword in the Search box and click Go.
    .2In the Functions column, click Manage next to the name of the mailing list.

The system logs you in to the mailing list management interface automatically. However, if you go directly to the Mailman URL or prefer to use the email-based management functions, you must use the administrator password.
After the Mailman management interface appears, you can define the various configuration options.

For more information about available Mailman configuration options, read the  Mailman  documentation.
Enable spam filters for a mailing list

Mailman’s Spam Filters feature requires Apache SpamAssassin. To enable Apache SpamAssassin for your cPanel account, select Enable Apache SpamAssassin in cPanel’s  Spam Filters  interface (cPanel » Home » Mail » Spam Filters). If you do not have a cPanel account, ask your hosting provider to enable Apache SpamAssassin.
To enable spam filters for a mailing list, perform the following steps:
    .1In the Current Lists section, scroll to the name of the mailing list.
  • You can also enter a keyword in the Search box and click Go.
    .2In the Functions column, click Manage next to the name of the mailing list.
    .3In the Configuration Categories section at the top, click Privacy options.
    .4Click Spam filters.
    .5Enter the filter rules that you wish to apply. For more information, read our  How to Create Mail Filter Rules For Mailing Lists  documentation.
    .6Click Submit Your Changes. For more information on Mailman’s Spam Filters feature, read the  Mailman  documentation.

Search Index

For this interface to appear, your hosting provider must enable this feature.
Use this interface to reindex the messages in your email account. This performs a full text search (FTS) scan on the messages and makes the search function in your email client faster. This is especially useful if you have a large number of messages in your inbox.
To reindex the messages in your email account, click Reindex. The system will initiate a reindex of your email messages.

Track Delivery

Use this interface to view email message delivery reports. You can also use this interface to trace a message’s delivery route or find delivery problems.
The Recipient Email (optional) text box lets you filter the  Delivery Report  table results to a specific email address. To do so, perform the following steps:
    .1Enter an email address in the Recipient Email (optional) text box.
    .2Click Run Report. The system will filter the Delivery Report table to only display results for the recipient email address. It will also display the  Email Address Trace  diagram.
To reset the Delivery Report table’s results, perform the following steps:
    .1Remove the email address from the Recipient Email (optional) text box.
    .2Click Run Report. This will remove the filter from the Delivery Report table and display all email message results.
Note:This will not reset the Email Server Trace diagram.
You can use the following options to filter the results of the Delivery Report table:
  • Show Blocked & Failed — This option will filter the table to only display delivery failures.
  • Show All — Display all deliveries. This will also update the Recipient Email (optional) search results.

Delivery Report

Your hosting provider must enable this feature for the Delivery Report table to display messages.
By default, the table lists the 250 most recent messages to and from your Webmail account’s mailboxes. This includes every delivery success and failure. The table sorts the data into the following columns by default:
  • Event — An icon that indicates the message’s delivery status:

  • From Address — The email address on your system that sent the message.
  • Sender — The sender’s Webmail username.
  • Sent Time — The date and time when the user sent the message.
  • Spam Score — The message’s Apache SpamAssassin score.
  • Recipient — The email address to which the user sent the message.
  • Result — A message that describes the delivery results.
  • Actions — Click the information icon () to view and print information about the message. This information includes information such as a message’s sender, recipient, and username.
The system retains this data for the number of days as specified by your hosting provider.
Delivery Report table options
You can filter your search results with the following options:
Record selection
To filter the records:
    .1Select any of the following checkboxes:
  • Show Successes
  • Show Deferred
  • Show Failures
  • Show In-Progress
    .2Select the maximum number of results to display from the Max Results/Type menu.
Column selection
To select the columns that you wish to display or hide in the Delivery Report table, click the table options icon (). A new interface will appear. In this window, select or deselect the checkboxes for the following column headers:
  • Select All — Select all of the available options.
  • Event — An icon that indicates the message’s delivery status.
  • User — The Webmail username of the sender.
  • Domain — The sender’s domain.
  • From Address — The email address on the system that sent the message.
  • Sender — The sender’s Webmail email address.
  • Sent Time — The date and time at which the user sent the message.
  • Sender Host — The sender’s host’s IP address.
  • Sender IP Address — The sender’s IP address.
  • Authentication — A type of SMTP authentication.
  • Spam Score — The email’s Apache SpamAssassin score.
  • Recipient — The email address to which the user sent the message.
  • Delivery User — The Webmail username that owns the recipient’s email address.
  • Delivery Domain — The domain of the recipient.
  • Delivered To — The email address of the recipient.
  • Router — The internal router that handled the delivery of the message.
  • Transport — The recipient’s SMTP method type.
  • Out Time — The date and time at the intended recipient received the message.
  • ID — The outgoing message’s ID.
  • Delivery Host — The hostname of the recipient’s email exchanger.
  • Delivery IP Address — The recipient email exchanger’s IP address.
  • Size — The size of the outgoing message, in bytes.
  • Result — A message that describes the delivery results.
  • Actions — Displays the information icon (). This lets you view and print information about a message.

Email Address Trace

This diagram displays how the system would send an email message to the given email address. It traces how the local system routes a message. You can use this feature to find potential problems with message delivery. Each icon displays information about the message’s delivery path:

The following icons may vary from those that your system uses.