All operations performed in VMmanager can be divided into main and additional. Main operations are called from the VM context menu, and additional operations are called on the VM page.
The main operations are available in Virtual machines → Menu or in Virtual machines → open a virtual machine page → Menu:
Start/Stop — start/stop a virtual machine;
If the virtual machine has the status Stopped by the administrator and cannot be started, contact your platform administrator.
Restart — restart a virtual machine;
Reinstall — install a new operating system on your virtual machine:
Select an Operating system.
Select Applications and scripts to be launched upon operating system installation. Scripts are to prepare virtual machines for operation. E.g. you can use them to install any software or set up configuration files. Read more in Scripts
Specify the VM password or click on Generate for an automatically generated password.
To receive an email with the VM access settings, enable the Send email with password option.