Create a Mailbox

A mailbox is used to receive and store emails from users. Every mailbox has an email address of the following format,
To create a mailbox in ispmanager (first,  create a mail domain  if needed):
    .1Go to Mail → Create mailbox.
    .2Fill in all the required fields.
    .3Enter the Name of the mailbox. You can use low-case Latin alphabet letters, digits, a dot, and a dash.
    .4Select a Domain where the mailbox will be created.
    .5Enter Aliases for this mailbox. Emails sent to aliases will be forwarded to the main name.
    .6Enter a Password to access the mailbox.
    .7Send a copy to — enter the email address where all incoming email messages will be forwarded. Select the checkbox Do not save incoming emails if you do not want to save received email messages in this mailbox
    .8Enter the maximum size of the mailbox in the Disk space field. Emails will be rejected when this limit is exceeded.
    .9Enter additional information in the Notes field. The information will be displayed in the list of mailboxes → the Info column.