In case you frequently want to add the same persons to appointments or tasks, you can create a group consisting of those persons. You can then add the group as participant instead of adding single persons. You have the following options: - create a new group
- edit an existing group
- delete an existing group
Note: Depending on the configuration, those functions are not available for all users.
How to create a new group:
Click the icon in the menu bar. Click on .The window opens.
Click on in the left pane.Click on .
Enter a group name in the window. Add members. The members are displayed below In order to remove a member, click the icon next to the name.Click on .
How to edit a group:
Click the icon in the menu bar. Click on .The window opens.
Click on in the left pane.Select a group. Click on .
Edit the group's data in the window.Click on .
How to delete a group:
Click the icon in the menu bar. Click on .The window opens.
Click on in the left pane.Select a group.
Click the button.
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