The folder type defines the folder access for the users. The following folder types exist in the folder view:
- Personal folders contain your emails and groupware data. Other users can not view your personal folders, unless you share them with other users.
- Your personal folders can be found at the top of the folder view.
- In the single apps, you can add personal folders e.g. calendars, address books and lists.In the Email and Drive app, you can also create subfolders.
Depending on the configuration, the following folder types are available in addition:
- Public folders contain groupware data that are of common interest to all users. Each user can create public folders and share them with other users.
- Public folders can be found below your personal folders, in the folder view.
- Shared folders are folders that have been shared with you by other users.
- Shared folders can be found at the bottom of the folder view.
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